*******************Clayton’s Happenings**********************
UPDATED ON 10/10/2024
****1 year visiting the community The ProMedica Veggie Mobile- Every Thursday 10-1030 @ The Village Hall, 3457 State St. Winter months, produce will be brought into the town hall entryway. Forms of payment accepted: Cash, credit, debit, EBT. scheduled to run year-round. Please check FB page, listed below, for available produce & cancellations. 1 year anniversary of Community Game Afternoons 2-4:30p.m. Wednesdays @ Village Hall, Bring your favorite card or board game. Enter through the library. Ages welcomed: Young adults through Seniors. Look for postings in Hudson Post Gazette, FB & the Clayton Library.
TRICK OR TREAT October 31ST 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Listen for fire siren to signal start time & end time for event. Hannah’s Hawaiian Shaved Ice will be on site. Ladies from the United Methodist church will be providing food as well. Residents will be giving out goodie bags.
****Clayton Library will be decorating pumpkins on Oct 23rd 430 p.m.-530 p.m. Treats will be available. Encouraged to wear costumes. Also, watch for activities & snack times- posted @ Village Hall & FB pages. Weekly & Monthly.
****CHRISTMAS EVE Don’t forget Santa comes to town on Dec. 24th He makes a stop @ the Clayton Fire Dept. @6 p.m.
****Email address: [email protected] There will be NO FALL LEAF COLLECTION
****Website address: www.villageofclaytonmi.gov
On a side note,
As always, our meetings are posted at the village hall, Clayton Post office, Dollar General & gas station. Please feel free to attend.
If you get P.O. Box delivery IN TOWN, please make sure you add your PO BOX # to the address. They will return your mail if you do not.
Example: 1234 S. Main, P.O. Box 199, Clayton, Michigan 49235-0199
UPDATED 9-21/2023
*********************CLAYTON HAPPENINGS***********************
****New to the community The Promedica Veggie Mobile- Every Thursday 10-1030 @ The United Methodist Church Parking lot. Cash, credit, debit, EBT. It is scheduled to run year-round. Please check FB page, listed below, for available produce.
***Community Game Days**** 2-4:30p.m. Wednesdays @ Village Hall, Bring your favorite card or board game. Enter through the library. Ages welcomed: young adults through Seniors. Look for postings in Hudson Post Gazette, FB & Clayton Library. If the library is open, we will have game day. Watch for severe weather alerts as well.
*****Park: We continue to raise funds. We have applied for the $200,000 Spark Grant. The United Methodist Church held an Ice Cream Social & donations went to the park fund. The August 26th Extravaganza collected & donated to the park fund, $286.00. Clayton United Methodist Church held an Ice cream social & raised $600.00. A huge thanks there. We received a donation from Adrian Steel & TLC Bank. We continue to look for avenues that will help us update & renovate the lower park, as well as, possibly putting in a smaller park by the library. This takes funds & lots of invested time & energy. Thanks to all involved.
****Sewer: The back up generator is installed & up and running. The last power outages, it did the job perfectly. Consumers Energy has been working with us on supplying power to the lagoons. More to come as it is available.
Community Action Agency- 517-577-6203 www.caajlh.org
****Extravaganza: April 20th 2024 9-4 SPRING Event. Food truck, Vendors, crafts, etc.
****Fall leaf pick up: Starting in Sept & running through mid-Nov. Please put your leaves in small piles at the road so they can be picked up. Children like to play in leaf piles, we cannot always see them. Small piles please.
****Email address: [email protected]
****Website address: www.villageofclaytonmi.gov
****We also have a Facebook page:
“If you live in Clayton 49235” Shannon Johnston is the moderator of that page.
On a side note,
As always, our meetings are posted at the village hall, Dollar General & Ps Food Mart. Residents are encouraged to attend to hear the choices made that affect our community.
If you get P.O. Box delivery IN TOWN, please make sure you add your PO BOX # to the address. They will return your mail if you do not. Example: 1234 S. Main # 319, Clayton, Michigan 49235-0199
Updated: 8/14/2023
***********************Clayton Happenings********************************
*****Park: We are at almost $9500.00. We are applying for grants, a GoFundMe is posted online, Extravaganza Events & different activities throughout the year are donating to the park improvement fund.
***********United Methodist Church is holding an ICE CREAM SOCIAL at the park & taking donations for the park fund.
****Sewer: We have received $75,000 (restricted funds) from the American Rescue Plan via the Lenawee County portion to improve our sewer lagoon system. We will be installing electricity to the current wind powered setup.
****Extravaganza Is planned from 9 to 4 on Aug. 26th at the Fire department.
We have a food truck and different vendors, preserves, candles, face painting, crafts, woodworking, etc.
****Spring Clean-up is scheduled
We will meet at the village barn at 8:00 AM and WE NEED VOLUNTEERS, if we do not have volunteers -Residents will be responsible for bringing their items to the dumpsters. (Many hands make light work)
****Email address:
[email protected]
****Website address:
****We also have a Facebook page and that is:
“If you live in Clayton” Shannon Johnston is the moderator of that page.
On a side note, we are aware of the problems that the village has been experiencing with Modern Waste & their service. Thank you for your patience.
As always, our meetings are posted at the village hall, Post office, Dollar General & Ps Food Mart. Please feel free to attend.
MODERN WASTE has informed us that all residents are able to have more than one trash can, but it is at a cost of 11.97 per bucket- if paid via village tax bill. If you notify the village by June 1st it will be included on your 2022 tax bill. (as the normal trash bill is) If you choose to go through Modern Waste on your own billing, the trash buckets are $32.00 each.
We are aware of the issues with our current trash company. Please be patient with us as we try to fix this situation. Thank you
If you have 2 buckets, currently, you will be charged going forward on the June tax bill. Please contact us as you need to. Meeting is May 2nd. Your welcome to attend.
- The calculations below are the breakdown on what we are responsible to pay, to the county, for maintaining our lagoon & sewer system.
- $58,200.00 Budgeted for 22-23 FY
- ÷ 4 qtrs. (quarterly billing statement sent to residents)
- = $14,550 (cost per quarter)
- ÷ by 128 residents (how many people pay sewer bills)
- = $113.68 (cost per resident per quarter)
- The $58,200 is the 2022-2023 cost of operating & maintaining the Lagoon & Sewer system for the village of Clayton. This has increased from $56,710.00 last year.
- The sewer bills were increased last year, from $70 to $90 but in reality, they should have gone up to at least $111.00 per resident sewer bill, based on the calculations. The council decided because of all the things affecting our community, we would offset the $21.00 per household. This is something we can no longer afford to do. These numbers are only for maintaining and operating, this is not inclusive of emergencies or repair costs. A yearly increase to the sewer bill is inevitable. Please know, you are welcome to attend any meeting and ask questions. We appreciate & thank you for your understanding.
Please keep in mind, if you have any questions about if your home is in compliance with how your sump pumps, water softeners and rain water hook-ups are ran, please ask. The Lenawee County Drain Commission will answer questions as well. 517-264-4696
These items are NOT to be ran into the drain/sewer system!
We will gladly help guide you in the right direction. This is OUR community, we are ALL responsible for taking care of it.